How do I add my Email Signature to Outlook?
Adding email signature to my Outlook account
One of the many designs assets our A.I creates for your new brand is an email signature.
Uploading your new email signature to gmail is a simple process - we're ready to guide you! :)
Go to your Brand homepage. You can find this under ‘My Brands’ in your account. You can find your email signature under the ‘Social Media’ tab on your brand homepage. If you scroll to the bottom of the page, the email signature is 2nd from the bottom, just before the Shopify templates.
Click on the email footer you would like to use for your email signature. This will take you to the Editor, where you can make any updates to the template you want.
Download your email signature from the Zenn brand homepage.
In the Editor, you can double-click on any type you want to update.
Once you’re happy with your design, you can click on the down arrow, in the top right of the page. This will download the file as a jpeg, which you can upload to gmail.
The upload process: Ensure your logo is in the jpeg format and is handy on your computer desktop The simplest method to incorporate your logo in your sign-off is to directly upload the jpeg file onto the platform and adjust its size within Outlook. First, go to settings if you opened Outlook.
To incorporate a signature into your design, simply click on the Signatures option. This action will allow you to proceed with adding the desired signature.
To incorporate an image into your project, simply click on the photo icon. This action will open up a browser where you can navigate through your files and select the email signature.
To modify the size of the image to better fit your design, simply use the spread gesture. Expand or contract it by dragging the corners until it aligns with your vision. This ensures the image is tailored to your specific needs.
To finalize your design, simply click on the "Save" button. This ensures all your careful adjustments and additions are securely stored, completing your project.